Wednesday, 31 July 2013


I finished the second book from my "Holiday Book List" couple days ago. "The Lost Hero" is a first book of series called "Heroes Of Olympus" written by Rick Riordan. I may even take a risk and say that he is my favourite author ever. So after reading previous sentence you probably already figured that I loved this book. Because I did. 

Last year I read Riordan's series called "Percy Jackson and The Olympians" which was amazing so that's why I started reading the next series of this author.

The whole thing is about gods and their children. The special thing about children is that they're half-gods as only one of their parent is a god. They all live on a Camp Half-Blood. "The Lost Hero" is about three half-gods: Jason who wakes himself up not knowing who he is, where he is and why he's there; Piper whose famous father is missing and she's the only one that can save him and Leo who has a rough past and really good hands for repairing all kinds of machines. Even a flying dragon. 

I have no idea how the author does it but he always surprises me, every single time in every single book. Everything in the book was so mysterious that I just wanted to keep reading in order to know the answers. Every time I finished one chapter I had to at least start another one. Also, what's great about Rick Riordan's work is that the story is always so logic and.. whole. There are many aspects, many places, many characters and it all goes together, not only with the story line but also with the previous series and Greek and Roman myths. 

In conclusion, "The Lost Hero" is brilliant. Unfortunately I'm gonna have to change a little bit my "Holiday Book Like" as I bought the second book of "Heroes Of Olympus" couple days ago and I don't think I will be able to just leave it waiting for me on the shelf. So I'm sorry "The City Of Bones" by Cassandra Clare but you're gonna have to wait for me to read you a little bit longer. 


  1. must read this!

    lots of love from the casper&pearl girls – a little Aussie fashion brand
    casper&pearl blog

  2. I haven't read any of Rick Riordan's books but w/ the new Percy Jackson movie coming out I've been thinking about picking one up. I'm glad that you liked this book so much. This gives me hope.

  3. I loved Percy Jackson too. Shame the film was so useless in comparison!
    Jenny x
    Freya's Fashion Chapter

  4. Oooh i love book recommendations! I wanna check this out!

    from Brigitte at // BreezeyBee Blog | BlogLovin'

    dont forget to enter my RiRi Woo Giveaway Here


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