Saturday, 31 August 2013


photo credit: x

I have mentioned this couple of times on this blog but in case you didn't noticed - I am going to Ireland on 5th of September. I'm going to spend about five months there as I'm going on a student exchange and that's how long one term is. I'm going to live in a little town called Letterkenny on the North of Ireland.

I'm very excited to finally go there, I've been waiting for this for more than a year and it's finally happening... next week! This is crazy! If you asked me whether I'm scared, I'd have to say yes. I am always terrified when it comes to travelling but fortunately I'm not going alone so I know I'll be fine. What's even more exciting is that I'm going to London on 20th of September for the second time this year and... this life. How exciting is that?

During these five months I plan to travel a lot. I really want to visit Dublin (that's obvious, right?), Belfast, Londonderry and other cities I don't even know that exist... yet. And of course I want to go to see the North Atlantic as it's just 30km from Letterkenny. I'm probably going to take loads of photos so be prepared to be bombarded with them here or on my Instagram.

I know I still have five days before the journey starts but I already want to apologize for possible lack of everyday posts during next weeks. I really try to post everyday and I did it for past two months but I don't know if I'll be able to do that in Ireland. So for that, I'm sorry. I will surely keep you posted!

Oh, and now I need to figure out how am I going to pack all of my things into one little suitcase...

Thanks for being here! Follow me on bloglovin'!

1 comment:

  1. beautiful! I am dying to go to ireland!


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