Saturday, 31 August 2013


Remember when I said that I love finding new brands? Well, I do and here comes another one. It's called "ALOHA FROM DEER" and it's a polish online store but don't worry, they ship worldwide. And if you spend more than 100€ they will even do it for free, pretty nice, huh? 

This brand specialises in pretty "different" clothes. They don't sell a lot but there's a bright side of this - you don't have to worry your neighbour wears the same top. They mostly stock t-shirts, sweatshirts, leggings, swimwear, trousers and accessories.

For this post I've chosen nine pieces I like the most. My favourite item is the "Our Deer" sweatshirt. You may not remember this but I included it in one of my first posts. (click). It's actually the reason why I found out about this brand in the first place. My friend bought it and I loved it so much she had to tell me where she'd bough it. Fortunately, she's a good person and let me buy the same one. If it only wasn't out of stock...
Anyway, I really like their clothes. They're different to everything we know, they're colorful, creative and very #chill (see what I did there?).

You can find all of these clothes by clicking:

Which one is your favourite?

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  1. wow the jumper on the bottom right, I want!!!

    Emma |

  2. All three jumpers I LOVE, especially the cat one as I am a full on crazy cat lady haha.
    Maybe Its Megan Leigh xx


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