Sunday 26 January 2014


My exam session in Ireland is finally over and now I'm spending last days here, just enjoying everything around me (except the weather, the weather is just awful). On Friday I spent the whole day in Belfast with my friends. It is such a beautiful city! It's been amazing seeing something different than Letterkenny and now I'm finally convinced that I am a big city instead of a small town girl. I could totally live there! Other than that I've been meeting with my Erasmus friends, saying goodbye to them, watching rainbows and drinking Cherry Cola on my Birthday and watching McFly concert on DVD I got myself as a Birthday gift! Except for constant learning and almost not leaving the house because of the cold and rain I've been only relaxing and enjoying the time I've got left in Ireland.

What have you been up to lately?

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1 comment:

  1. They sound like good last days! I have also been watching McFly's RAH concert. Too good! I hope your exams went well!


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