Thursday, 29 August 2013


Remember when I did a post about inspirations for decorating my bedroom? Since then, I haven't stop thinking about what I could change in my bedroom to make it look like the ones I've picked for that post. White, girly and pretty would be perfect for describing such bedrooms. 

I decided to start with my workplace because as a blogger and tumblr addict this is where I spend the most time. If this goes on, I'm gonna have to install a fridge somewhere near but that's a whole nother story. 

photo credits: x x x x x x

As I'm probably going to get a new room soon (by "soon" I mean in a year... or two) I've started looking around a little bit, just to know what I want. Looking at these pretty pictures I found in a magical (but very time consuming) place called tumblr I've noticed that I need three things to make my workspace look pretty: a white desk, Mac computer and flowers. Flowers are obviously the easiest to get and I assure you they will stand on my desk after I finish writing this post. As for the Mac computer, besides the fact that I don't need it at all right now as I get on with my Sony Vaio very well, it would be the hardest thing to get. But if enough money magically appeared on my bank account I would have to buy a big white desk first as for now, there's no place on my little wooden desk for such big computer. Other than these three most important things I'm also going to need some pale pink decorations like brush holder or a lamp. Also a pinboard or blackboard would also be a great idea and as I'm make-up obsessed I would need a lot of shelves and drawers to storage all of my make-up. 

In a conclusion, to make my workspace look as pretty as these presented above I need: big white desk, a Mac computer, some colourful flowers, pastel decorations, pinboard and make-up storage. I'm of course not an expert when it comes to decorating interiors but fortunately my sister is, so I'm just gonna ask her for help. 

Do you like your workspace? If not, what would you change in it?

Thanks for being here! Follow me on bloglovin'!


  1. these are amazing, I can't decide which one I like more. It's true that white makes everything look better! xx

    Martyna | NEON MIZZLE

  2. Hey! What a cool blog you have! Would you like to follow each other on GFC and bloglovin?

  3. Who doesnt want a work space to look like that. Clean and tidy it makes me a very happy girl!

  4. What a gorge workspace, i would loveeee that!!

    Please check out my blog if you get the chance


  5. I definitely need to redecorate my workplace, it's so messy. I've got too many things on my desk, bookcase etc. Frome the ones you've picked, I like the upper ones! :)


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